The IOMAD Project
The IOMAD Project
The IOMAD Project
An open-source multi-tenancy Moodle solution with unrestricted scalability baked in, IOMAD® users don’t need to worry about cost vs users…
An open-source multi-tenancy Moodle solution with unrestricted scalability baked in, IOMAD® users don’t need to worry about cost vs users…
An open-source multi-tenancy Moodle solution with unrestricted scalability baked in, IOMAD® users don’t need to worry about cost vs users…
What is IOMAD?
Who is IOMAD for?
What can IOMAD do?
IOMAD® [ee-mah] noun: an open-source multi-tenancy solution with Moodle under the hood. Scottish Gaelic for many, lots, various…
IOMAD® [ee-mah] noun: an open-source multi-tenancy solution with Moodle under the hood. Scottish Gaelic for many, lots, various…
IOMAD® [ee-mah] noun: an open-source multi-tenancy solution with Moodle under the hood. Scottish Gaelic for many, lots, various…

IOMAD Office
All the benefits of multi-tenancy Moodle, scaled to your workplace
Configuration parameters: IOMAD vs IOMAD Office