Quick Fix Fair Use Policy
Quick Fix Fair Use Policy
Quick Fix Fair Use Policy
This policy makes clear the circumstances under which Quick Fix Promise Fair Use Terms will be considered breached. By entering into a contractual agreement with e-Learn Design, you consent to be held to the terms of this policy.
Quick Fix Promise Parameters
All Moodle and IOMAD annual hosting clients have access to free support based on a 15-minute limit per request resolution. This covers:
1. Problems with bugs after migration, installation or integration
2. Minor issues experienced during or after the hosting setup of Moodle or IOMAD
3. Core Moodle problems experienced due to upgrades or community improvements
The following requests will incur a charge:
1. Problems caused by client-implemented modification or third-party customisation
2. Any request larger than the Quick Fix timescale can accommodate
3. Any request that breaches the Fair Use terms listed below
Chargeable requests will be quoted on a case-by-case basis, and written acceptance and payment of costs will be required before work commences.
Quick Fix Fair Use Terms
The Quick Fix Promise is not designed to be used in place of an official support or consultancy agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, the following would be a breach of Fair Use terms and will incur charges that must be paid before attempting to access further support:
1. Repeated contact made (potentially through different channels) asking a series of questions that appear to be designed to avoid paying for official support hours.
2. Repeated contact made (potentially under different names) asking a series of questions that appear to be designed to avoid paying for official support hours.
3. Repeated contact made (potentially using different email addresses) asking a series of questions that appear to be designed to avoid paying for official support hours.
4. Repeated contact made (potentially through different channels and/or under different names and/or using different email addresses) asking a series of questions (potentially based on answers already provided) that appear to be an effort to avoid paying for official support hours.
Policy changes
e-Learn Design reserves the right to change this policy at any time. While clients will be notified in writing of substantive changes, we encourage you to check this page frequently for any amendments. Your continued use of our services constitutes your acceptance of the policy terms as detailed above.