Fair Working Practices

Fair Working Practices

Fair Working Practices


e-Learn Design has adopted the Scottish Government’s recommended policies, statements and charter principles designed to support the development of a positive and inclusive working environment and organisational culture. All e-Learn Design employees have the right to expect fair treatment, respect and continuous professional development.

These policies, statements and charters cover:

  • Equality, Diversity & Inclusion in employment
  • Equal pay
  • Employee wellbeing

Additionally, e-Learn Design supports:

  • Providing fair pay for all based on a Real Living Wage;
  • Stability of employment and the avoidance of exploitative employment practices, such as the use of zero-hours contracts;
  • Active investment in workforce training and development opportunities; and
  • A diverse and inclusive workplace, including the promotion of flexible working arrangements.

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

e-Learn Design is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion among our workforce, eliminating unlawful discrimination by:

  1. Creating a working environment that promotes equality, fairness and respect for all in our employment, whether temporary, part-time or full-time.
  2. Upholding the Equality Act 2010 by opposing and avoiding discrimination based on the protected characteristics of:
    gender reassignment or identity
    marriage and civil partnership
    pregnancy and maternity
    race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin)
    religion or belief
    sexual orientation
  3. Ensuring all employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities under this policy, supported by appropriate and documented channels for an effective voice.
  4. Taking seriously any complaints or reports of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination by fellow employees, clients, suppliers or any other persons encountered during the undertaking of work activities.
  5. Making opportunities for training, development and progress available to all employees, actively supporting the fulfilment of potential.
  6. Periodically reviewing employment practices and procedures, updating them when necessary to ensure fairness and to account for changes in the law.

Equal Pay Statement

e-Learn Design is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to ensuring that all employees should be treated equally irrespective of their age, disability, gender reassignment or identity, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity status, race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

e-Learn Design understands that the right to equal pay is protected by law. In order to achieve equal pay for employees undertaking the same or similar work, or work considered equivalent or of equal operational value, we are committed to operating a pay and reward system that is transparent, based on objective criteria, and free from bias.

In line with the General Duty of the Equality Act 2010, our objectives are to:

  1. Eliminate unfair, unjust or unlawful practices and other discrimination that impacts pay equality;
  2. Promote equality of opportunity and equal pay throughout the workforce; and
  3. Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not in the implementation of equal pay.

Employee Well-being Policy

e-Learn Design is committed to prioritising the well-being and mental health of our employees. To this end, we will:

  1. Protect employee mental health by tackling stigma through the promotion of an open and understanding culture;
  2. Empower employees to take ownership of their own wellbeing, ensuring clear communications channels for guidance and support;
  3. Establish a clear communications policy to support self-guided and personally preferred working hours wherever possible;
  4. Champion flexible working in order to enhance personal well-being and equality of opportunity; and
  5. Recognise that well-being is a shared responsibility and encourage the challenging of policies or practices that can negatively impact or threaten individual or collective well-being.

Last reviewed: April 2024