Moodle upgrade process
Moodle upgrade process
Moodle upgrade process
What to expect from a Moodle upgrade
There are a number of reasons to upgrade your Moodle version. It might be necessary as part of a migration to bring your site into line with our standard server builds, or it could be part of a site refresh, bringing you back into line with competitor installations.
Alternatively, it could simply be because your version is approaching the end of active HQ support, so you need to upgrade to stay future-proofed. Whatever the reason, the process is exactly the same, and the only difference is in how you choose to prepare…

Version upgrade preparation
On shared hosting, a UAT (private test environment) is not provided as standard. But if you want to apply additional customisation in a UAT before going live, then it can be arranged for a monthly pro-rata charge. The upside (obviously) is that you can perfect your updates before making them visible to your users, but the downside is that there is a fee attached. The cost is based on your hosting level (as a UAT is a copy of your live site), and there are a couple of things to bear in mind when making a decision:
Version upgrade process
With a dedicated server agreement, a UAT (private test environment) is provided as standard. Charges are based on usage, so if the UAT takes you over the recommended 89% maximum usage level, then extra disk space will be added (and charged). But if the UAT is built (and removed) before your renewal date, then no extra charges will apply.
Please note: For dedicated server clients, a same-server UAT is only possible if both Moodle versions (current and upgrade) support the same version of PHP. If they do not, then a UAT may need to be on a separate server, and pro-rata charges will apply.
If you choose to use a UAT, the process is staged as Step 1 and Step 2. If you upgrade without a UAT, only Step 2 will be necessary:
Step 1.
UAT created based on live site
UAT upgraded to new Moodle version
UAT theme upgraded to new theme version
Client tests UAT functions
Client confirms go-ahead for live upgrade
Step 2.
A time slot/date for live upgrade is scheduled
Live site put into maintenance mode
Live site upgraded to new Moodle version
Live theme upgraded to new theme version
Live site taken out of maintenance mode
Please note: A UAT is not a pre-requisite to upgrade. However, a UAT will be recommended if a site is particularly complex or the version upgrade pathway complicated. Before starting any upgrade, a full backup is always taken so the upgrade can be rolled back should there be any issues.