Release Date: December 2024

What’s new?

Much later than planned – but worth the wait – IOMAD 4.4 includes several new features, multiple updates to old, and a huge list of completed (long-overdue) housekeeping activities in Git…

For a complete list of bug fixes and commits since IOMAD 4.3 was released, go here and scroll to the bottom of the page; otherwise, read on!

New features

  • Events & teaching locations: A new option to make teaching locations public has been added, and training events now work on shared courses.
  • Learning paths: Learning paths can now feed competency learning plans.
  • Notifications & email: The enrolment start date can now match the email send date if this is set in the future.
  • Reporting: Company, Company users, Company licenses, Company license users, IOMAD course settings, and Company user course completion data sources have been created for the Moodle Report builder.
  • Role & capability management: Editing rights can now be granted to/removed from company educators for courses which are only assigned to one company AND company managers can now clone courses which they have editing rights over.
  • Search functions: Core Moodle Global search is now tenant-aware.
  • Theme identification: Rather than relying on name or parent, IOMAD themes can now be identified using an optional setting in the theme config.

Feature improvements

  1. Company management:
    Added more company information to the manage companies page.
    Added option for per-tenant login instructions.
    Changed checks for company and department shortnames so that they follow the same rules as Moodle custom fields (upper case, lowercase, alphanumeric and _).
  2. Events & locations:
    Confirmation page added to clear attendees from a training event.
  3. General quality-of-life:
    Added option to remove company hierarchies on the selectors to improve speed on larger sites.
    Added option to disable the company switcher in the IOMAD settings (for the same reasons).
  4. Learning paths:
    Added learning paths block to /courses page.
  5. Licensing:
    License pool expiring task added.
  6. Notifications & email:
    Added email template for ‘signed up to waiting list’.
    Split up warning and digest emails to their own tasks.
    Added email send date to the user upload page.
  7. Reporting:
    Added roll up for child companies to User report.
    Added option to include or remove the completion criteria from the course completion report downloads.
  8. Role & capability management:
    Updated course selectors to show hidden courses (if you have ‘view hidden courses’ capability).
    Added more capabilities to hide parts of the company edit form if desired.
    Added more capabilities to decouple viewing the Edit users page and editing the users.
  9. Search functions:
    Course custom fields added to IOMAD pages where there is course searching.
    Updated UI of course and user searches in IOMAD pages.
  10. User management:
    Added option to sync from profile field to company for departments.
    Added option to display company short name or long name in the institution field.
    Added web-service call to get a user’s company information.

If you want to try out these new features or any of the improved IOMAD functionality, then our Demo site will be updated over the next couple of days.

Have fun! Derick – Chief IOMAD developer

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