Release Date: February 2023

What’s new?

Moodle 4.1 is the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of Moodle. IOMAD 4.1 takes the opportunity to leverage some of the core Moodle functionality for use in a multi-tenant way. We’re particularly excited about these changes and hope you will be too!

New features

  • Per company small logo and favicon: All of the tenant logos have been moved out of the IOMAD theme and into the core Moodle logos settings. This means that tenants now can have a large logo, small logo and favicon even when using standard Moodle themes (as long as they also use this setting). If you couple this with per-tenant URLs, IOMAD will display all of these automatically, whether on the browser or through the mobile app.
  • Parent company roll-up of reports: Course completion reports and log-in reports will now show an overview for the company managers of parent companies across their own and all child companies. Child companies appear on the department picker, and there is an option in the filters to switch between these views.
  • Complete overhaul of IOMAD eCommerce plugin: The IOMAD eCommerce plugin has been rewritten to use the internal Moodle payment gateway plugins, providing support for more than just PayPal. Products can now be more than just a single course, allowing for program license access and purchasing of blocks of course licenses for multiple courses, and these have been brought into line with the other license options such as instant, program, clear on expire and cut-off dates. Products are available to individual tenants but can be saved as a template product which can be imported to a different tenant. Each tenant then gets their own unique product set with their own pricing structure. Tenants can use the default payment account or can use their own payment account to provide maximum flexibility.

Feature improvements

  1. Course completion reports can be shown as text or graphs with a setting in IOMAD Settings plugin to decide which is the default.
  2. Security checks added to ensure that course categories are only visible to users they should be.
  3. Caching added to speed up the display of courses on the My Courses block.
  4. Notices for PHP 8 fixed in IOMAD code.
  5. Drop-down selector for companies updated to show parent/child relationships more clearly
  6. IOMAD, IOMAD Boost and IOMAD Bootstrap themes updated using new Moodle 4.1 themes.
  7. IOMAD OIDC auth plugin updated using the latest Moodle 4.1 OIDC auth plugin.

If you want to try out these new features or any of the improved IOMAD functionality, then our demo site will be updated over the next couple of days.

Have fun! Derick – Chief IOMAD developer

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