Release Date: July 2022

What’s new?

Based on the highly anticipated new Moodle release, we have subtly updated the look and feel of the IOMAD dashboard to bring everything into line with the UI changes introduced by Moodle 4.0. We have also used this opportunity to add in some new asked-for functionality – and improve some of the current functionality – to continue to provide the best, free-to-use, Open Source corporate Moodle. Sound good? Then read on…

New features

  • Per company policies using the new IOMAD policy tool*: This allows admins to set a default policy for all companies and then create tailored policies for other companies. The company policies then replace the default policies and need to be agreed to by members of that company only.
  • Company conditional restriction*: Instead of needing to use the profile sync for company and department to institution, there is now a specific company restriction condition. This can be used anywhere restrictions can be put in place, allowing you to target specific users by company.
  • Training record import via CSV: You can now import records from other systems into your IOMAD site to provide a full record of learning/certification for your users.

* These plugins are backwards compatible with IOMAD 3.9 and 3.10. You can download the code from the 4.0 branch and install on your site if desired.

Feature improvements

  1. Classrooms can now be virtual with no limit on number of spaces available.
  2. Training events have been updated so that teachers can receive emails when a user is attending or removed from an event. Additionally:
    – Training events can be locked so no changes can be made to attendance a set number of days before it starts.
    – Training events are added to the user’s calendar with am ical download link to add it to an external calendar.
    – Attendees can also be sent a reminder email a set number of days before the event starts or an email if they haven’t yet signed up for an event after a set number of days.
    – Finally, training events in the same course can be set to be exclusive, meaning that a user can only attend one of these events and not sign up to multiple.
  3. Microlearning can have groups for threads allowing users to be split within them. Threads can be imported from another company to the current company.
  4. Search by profile field in the multi-user search/select boxes instead of just firstname lastname and email address.
  5. Edit users page now uses edit switch to allow for user’s role and department to be changed. Drop down menu changed to be contextual for this too, so edit, delete and suspend require this switch to be set.
  6. Course overview report for single course now has the same edit/management functionality as the user overview report allowing a manager to update the dates, grades for a user and clear, delete and revoke licenses from the course listing.
  7. All IOMAD pages listing users have been changed to use the standard Moodle Firstname/Lastname table columns with the search by initials.
  8. IOMAD, IOMAD Boost and IOMAD Bootstrap themes updated using new Moodle 4.0 themes.
  9. IOMAD OIDC auth plugin updated using the latest Moodle 4.0 OIDC auth plugin.
  10. The dedicated IOMAD Dashboard page is back, and navigation updates have been made to compensate for the navigation changes made in Moodle 4.0.

If you want to try out these new features, or any of the improved IOMAD functionality, then our demo site will be updated over the next couple of days. You can also find the complete list of bug fixes since the IOMAD 3.10 release here.

Have fun! Derick – Chief IOMAD developer

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