What’s New?
Moodle 4.1 is the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of Moodle, and IOMAD 4.1 release notes are here. The IOMAD 4.1 Extended Edition adds in some changes which missed the original release deadline, but we felt were important inclusions that you simply shouldn’t have to wait for!
Overhaul of email templates
The email templates in IOMAD originally used a woolly method for company emails where only changes from the defaults were kept within the database. We have now migrated over to keeping all of the templates in the database with the email text, still with the option of using the defaults in the language pack. This allows us to present all of the templates in SQL tables with the ability to search templates too. Additionally:
- Events are used to update templates when companies are added, or language packs are added or removed.
- Templates are managed on a per-template basis rather than a per-template per language, so if it’s disabled, it’s disabled for all languages.
- Enabling or disabling templates doesn’t change the language content for that template, meaning the default strings will be used even after this change.
- There is now the option to reset a template to the default site strings.
NOTE: During the upgrade process, an AdHoc task is created to migrate all of the current company and template-set templates over to the new format. While this is running, access to the email templates will be prevented.
If you want to try out these new features or any of the improved IOMAD functionality, then our demo site will be updated over the next couple of days.
Have fun! Derick – Chief IOMAD developer